| 08-04-24
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Aqaba 5 June 2022
As part of the company’s social responsibility strategy to support different segments of society, Ayla Oasis Development Company and “Sunaa’ Al Erada Association” held the first courses in Aqaba, for a 6 day /4 hours per day training sessions to rehabilitate the visually and hearing impaired and their service providers from the local community in Aqaba.
The two training sessions will enable 20 people from the service providers in the local community in Aqaba to interactwith visual and hearing impairments to read books in Braille and learn secondary words in sign language.
“Sunaa’ Al Erada Association” is a Jordanian charitable association that works to rehabilitate families and people with disabilities psychologically, socially, and economically through various programs and projects with the aim of effectively integrating them to be a part of society. This is based on the association’s belief in the importance of respecting human dignity and changing society’s view towards this group.
Ayla’s Managing Director, Sahl Dudin, praised the exceptional efforts made by the Association in integrating this group into society by putting them through courses that will enhance their confidence and self-esteem, and by training their service providers to increase their ability to deal with this group and provide them with services in the highest levels. Indicating that Ayla’s support for the association is within its social responsibility strategy framework, Ayla aims to support various sectors and non-profit organizations by enabling them to perform their role and implement their objectives.
For her part, the President of the Sunaa’ Al Erada Association, Dr. Siham Al-Shabatat, expressed her appreciation of Ayla’s exceptional support for the Association in which it will continue its pioneering path in providing great services to people with disabilities by rehabilitating them psychologically, socially, and professionally, and integrating them into society through active participation in activities. The Association also provides medical assistance and presents technology designed for them such as mobile apps and talking computers.
Director of the Directorate of Social Development in Aqaba, Mohammad Al Tawara, praised the efforts done by Ayla in developing the local community through its support to the programs implemented by these associations and including these associations in Ayla’s annual campaigns and its keenness to reach all the needs of the local community in Aqaba and meet their needs by all possible means.